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Terms Of Service


Welcome to! These Terms of Use describe the terms and conditions applicable to your access and use of the website at a “Site”. This document is a legally binding agreement between you as the user(s) of the Site (referred to as “you”, “your”, "Customer" or “User” hereinafter) and the entity (referred to as “we”, “our” or “” hereinafter).


1.Application and Acceptance of the Terms

1.1 Your use of the Site and’s services, software and products (collectively the as the “Services” hereinafter) is subject to the terms and conditions contained in this document as well as the Privacy Policy and any other rules and policies of the Site that may publish from time to time. This document and such other rules and policies of the Site are collectively referred to below as the “Terms”. By accessing the Site or using the Services, you agree to accept and be bound by the Terms. Please do not use the Services or the Site if you do not accept all of the Terms.

1.2 You may not use the Services and may not accept the Terms if (a) you are not of legal age (at least 16 years old) to form a binding contract with, or (b) you are not permitted to receive any Services under the laws of local countries / regions including the country / region in which you are resident or from which you use the Services.

1.3 You acknowledge and agree that may amend any Terms at any time by posting the relevant amended and restated Terms on the Site. By continuing to use the Services or the Site, you agree that the amended Terms will apply to you.

1.4 If has posted or provided a translation of the English language version of the Terms, you agree that the translation is provided for convenience only and that the English language version will govern your uses of the Services or the Site.

1.5 You may be required to enter into a separate agreement, whether online or offline, with or our affiliate for any Service (“Additional Agreements”). If there is any conflict or inconsistency between the Terms and an Additional Agreement, the Additional Agreement shall take precedence over the Terms only in relation to that Service concerned.

1.6 The Terms may not otherwise be modified except in writing by an authorized officer of

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